When you have six (yes, six!) pregnant friends, your life explodes with things you’ve never thought about before. Boppys and Bella Bands™ and “Baby Signs.”
Whether swings should move to and fro, side-to-side, or in a strange half-curve (like the old lady’s chair zipping up the staircase in “Gremlins”). Sonograms and homemade baby food and nursery themes and names. And NO ONE CAN EAT THE SAME THINGS. Seriously. One craves burgers. One can’t stand the smell of ground beef. One craves hot wings. One can’t do spices.
It’s nice to have something simple to fall back on, like the Barefoot Contessa’s Brownie Pudding, one of this month’s Barefoot Bloggers bonus recipes. The prep is simple, and the chocolate flavor is intense. The surface forms a thin, crunchy layer, but underneath, it’s soft and rich and gooey. And a little goes a long way. Seriously, two parts vanilla ice cream to one part chocolate is pretty perfect. If you’re having friends over, take it easy, and make the pudding in one big baking dish. Or, scale it back for one or two, and bake it in ramekins.
So, any gift suggestions for this village of newborns? What was your favorite baby gift? Do you wish you’d gotten more of something? Less? Please, help. Seriously.
Brownie Pudding
Adapted from Ina Garten’s “Barefoot Contessa Back to Basics”
Serves 6
- 1/2 pound (2 sticks) unsalted butter, plus extra for buttering the dish
- 4 extra-large eggs, at room temperature
- 2 cups sugar
- 3/4 cup good cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- Seeds scraped from 1 vanilla bean
- 1 tablespoon framboise liqueur, optional
- Vanilla ice cream, for serving
- Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Lightly butter a 2-quart (9 by 12 by 2-inch) oval baking dish. Melt the butter, and set aside to cool.
- In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the eggs and sugar on medium-high speed for 5 to 10 minutes, until very thick and light yellow. Meanwhile, sift the cocoa powder and flour together, and set aside.
- When the egg and sugar mixture is ready, reduce the speed to low and add the vanilla seeds, framboise (if using) and the cocoa powder and flour mixture. Slowly pour in the cooled butter, and mix again just until combined.
- Pour the brownie mixture into the prepared dish, and place it in a larger baking pan. Add enough of the hottest tap water to the pan to come halfway up the side of the dish; bake for 1 hour. The center will appear very under-baked; this dessert is between a brownie and a pudding.
- Allow to cool and serve with vanilla ice cream.
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I gave my sister – Happiest Baby on the Block – it's a video (or book) on how to keep your baby from fussing, crying, etc by Dr. Harvey Karp. She loved it. In fact, she has given it to other new moms and a few mom's for their second child – Just a few simple techniques that will calm an infant nearly instantly. Truly an amazing gift.
This DVD/video is the BEST baby gift EVER. New parents will have NO time to read books. I teach this to new parents while still in the hospital. Great to pop into the DVD player/VCR at 4am LOL. They can take the baby from "maniac to mush" in about 20 seconds. No lie!
This DVD/video is the BEST baby gift EVER. New parents will have NO time to read books. I teach this to new parents while still in the hospital. Great to pop into the DVD player/VCR at 4am LOL. They can take the baby from "maniac to mush" in about 20 seconds. No lie!
I'll have to find the DVD. The book is sold out here! Amazon to the rescue.
Oh, good idea! My eyes cross when I see all of the books. It's great to hear about one that actually works. Thanks!
My advice would be whatever you do, do not buy a baby blanket because your friends will already be getting tons of them. I got so many of them, I ended up giving most of them to charity. Also, if you want to buy them clothes, buy bigger sizes (at least 6 months). I liked having some bigger things for later.
I think you can go one of two ways with baby gifts. Either you get the mom something completely practical that she will get a ton of use out of (boppy, basket of breastfeeding supplies, clothes/diapers, etc.) or you get her something adorably impractical that she might not buy herself (silver cup, personalized things like a jewelry box/quilt, etc.). One of the cutest gifts I've seen for a little girl baby is a child-sized wicker pram filled with little things like onesies, board books, barrettes, etc. It's always adorable and a hit with the mom.
I like to create a little gift basket of lots of little things for new parents. I start with a small wicker basket from Michael's (usually a few bucks) which I use to hold all the loot. Later it can be used to hold toys or the baby's laundry. Whenever I'm in Target or the grocery store, I pick up random baby stuff when it's on sale or clearance. This includes everything from teething rings, newborn mittens (to keep them from scratching themselves), nail clippers, breastfeeding pads, soap, washcloths, photo frames, socks, bibs, bath toys, DVDs, CDs, booties, baby board books, Q-tips, clothes, sippy cups, even baby Motrin, Tylenol, and just about anything else you can think of baby related. I also put in earplugs and a eye mask just for fun! Then all you do is load it all into the basket and tie it up with some clear cellophane and you've got yourself a great gift. I get so many compliments from new parents when I make these.
I've made more of these than I can count and they never fail to impress. I have a photo of one I made on my blog, which admittedly is the biggest one I've ever made but normally they are much smaller. With this particular one, I had lots of financial contributions from the folks that I work with and was able to fill a huge bassinet full of stuff. Normally they are much smaller ;)
Please – send food. When you are home and overwhelmed and you still have a family to feed or just yourself, it is so nice to receive a hot dinner. One friend gave me takeout menus and gift certificates to get food.
Millions of uses for a Boppy. Diapers are always accepted.
Love your blog, rebecca – I joined BB after seeing your posts. those "Kiddopotamus" [sic] things are neat for newborns – they are like a "Swaddling for Dummies" kit. Also, layette outfits are handy since babies are messy little things, who knew – onesies, sleeping suits, and those coveralls that have buttons in all the right places to make diaper changes at 3 a.m. a breeze.
ok. that brownie pudding looks devine.
from personal experience, i would advise you stay away from stuffed animals and blankets. it seems to be a popular baby gift but babies and moms only need so many :) i loved getting diapers and clothes that weren't newborn or 3months..something the baby can wear once all of the present giving wears off!
happy shopping!
At the last baby shower I attended, there were enough blankets for three orphanages. Good point! And getting bigger clothes is a great idea. I'm sure they'll have enough onesies for an infant army.
I'll probably be leaning towards the IMpractical, since I have no experience in this area. Love the pram-full-of-goodies idea! Barrettes! How sweet. I wonder if you can still find baby rings …
I have fond memories of brownie pudding from college, because somehow whenever something especially disgusting was on the dinner rotation it was often paired with big steam table vats of brownie pudding. I always like to give a stack of books – and not just baby books….I love the fact that my nieces and nephews enjoyed books that I has as a child.
Ha! I've had your bee cupcakes bookmarked since you posted them. That is one FIERCE basket. Love the idea of collecting things on clearance and putting them in a reusable container. So smart.
Oh, restaurant gift cards! That's a really cool idea. I think I read somewhere that Google does that for its employees. Awesome.
There should really be a Cult of Boppy. That stuff is EVERYWHERE.
Thanks! And welcome to the group. It always pushes me to make things I wouldn't have thought about. I've got to look up this "Kiddopotamus." Gawd, coveralls are so cute.
The 6 mos.+ clothes – that's a really smart idea, and I'll probably be able to find things on sale. Yesssss.
Wow. Having one good friend pregnant is bad enough (in a good way, of course), but six! Is there something in the water?
I don't have any suggestions…other than pedicures, prenatal massages, etc. Something the new mother won't get herself.
I like giving photo gift certificates and also a Lovie 1/2 blanket 1/2 stuffed animal. My son had three and he still has them at age 13.
Oh, a photo gift certificate is a cool idea. Maybe a nice frame. The Lovies sound adorable. Is your son totally hating you right now for ratting him out?
That looks totally yummy! Preggers or not – who could resist that dessert?
I recall when I had my baby showers that I got all kinds of stuff that I didn't know I'd need. As a result, for people having first babies, don't ask them what they need. They just don't know!
One of the nicest gifts I got was a collection of favourite bedtime story books from two of my friends. We read those books for at lest six years and then gave them to another child – so much more memorable than another sleeper!
Dining hall menus make no sense. A big stack of books is a really good idea. They're selling a Little Golden Book collection at Target that looks nice. Do kids still read those?
Dining hall menus make no sense. A big stack of books is a really good idea. They're selling a Little Golden Book collection at Target that looks nice. Do kids still read those?
I 'd thought about some prenatal massage gift certificates. Everyone's aching somewhere! And, yes, SIX. Pretty unbelievable.
I really like the book idea. You can't go wrong with "Goodnight Moon" and "Runaway Bunny." That could be really sweet.
cocoa butter for the mommies stretch marks…. definitely worthwhile. size 6 month warm clothes. babies born this spring/summer are going to chilly in the coming fall/winter. a heartbeat stuffed toy to snooze with; keeps baby close to Mothers heart.
Cocoa butter! Brilliant. A heartbeat stuffed toy … I think I've seen a lamb like that in Signals catalog. Good to know they work!
I also got a lot of blankets and oddly one day got 4 bouncy seats (of varying types) that was weird. I most loved having the cloth diapers that we used as burp rags. We probably got 20 and used them all the time. I also liked the sleeper sacks in the larger sizes or maybe really really soft baby towels. ( I got many that were not and feel icky on my skin let alone a baby's so touch them first). I do love books too and yes, we do read the little golden books although for very little ones the board books (those out of stiff cardboard) work better. I also like cloth books as they can chew on these or do whatever with them early on. I almost always include "Squish Turtle and Friends" not a classic, but a bit hit with the 6 month old set.
Crust on a brownie is my favourite!
Must look up "Squish Turtle and Friends." I'm curious about what you did with the four bouncy seats. Return some? Give some away? Distribute them to grandparents?
Oops, it is actually "Squishy" Turtle and Friends, by Roger Priddy, I think. We were able to return most of them, luckily and gave one to a later childcare provider. It all worked out, but made for an odd shower. Apparently the one we registered for was out of stock so people just bought other ones, which was fine, but it meant a great surplus.
Squishy! Cute. NOW I get why you should always include the gift receipt.
This crust is intense. You could easily pull it off in one big sheet.
Rebecca, as the last remaining single, childless friend, I've given more than my share of baby gifts,and the best gift reception I ever got was for a plastic clothes basket that I filled with things like baby detergent, stain remover, towels, wash clothes, cloth diapers, safety swaps, Desetin ointment, wipes, and a pack of diapers (consumables). Throw in one of those toys that clips to a carrier and you're set. If you can find a place in your area that does it, a gift certificate for a prenatal massage also makes a nice gift.
I think we should declare some sort of "shower" day for all women. Something to balance the scales.
The clothes basket could definitely work. Something that will create storage instead of taking up space. Yesss. Also looking into the massages.
Though my gifts for pregnant friends always vary somewhat depending on their taste (of course), I ALWAYS get four or five children's books. Usually a soft book, a board book, a couple story books, and a Shel Silverstein book. Books are important to me, and I think all kids should have a personal library, however small, so I like to get them off to a decent start.
Quit bragging. ;)
Cool website, and I DO have several things bookmarked on Etsy. Love those baby viking hats.
I don't think I'm changing anything about the tarts, but we'll see. Today, I couldn't find basil.
Oh, I love Shel Silverstein! "There's too many kids in this tub / There's too many elbows to scrub / I just washed a behind / That I'm sure wasn't mine / There's too many kids in the tub."
Great idea. My librarian mother is wishing you were her child right now.
Sorry, no baby gift advice but I wanted to say that your brownie pudding looks phenomenal!
No gift advice necessary. Thanks! This pudding is so easy. It's ridiculous.
I just loved this.
It was so fabulous.
And it's so easy! This one's a keeper.
I can't wait to make this pudding. I watched Ina making it on TiVo the other night (lazy sentence, sorry) and I'm now obsessed with it. Re: baby gifts, we both live in the South, so you know that if you sit still for too long, someone might monogram your forehead. This tendency can work really well with baby shower gifts if the mom is sharing the name ahead of time. Most moms go nuts when they see their baby's name in thread for the first time. I've done monogrammed bibs, fancy panties (diaper covers, for the non-Southerners), burpies, daygowns, blankets (figuring they won't give mine away if it's monogrammed), hooded bath towels, you name it. If they don't know the gender/name at the shower, I'll often get something like this when the baby is born. Sometimes I'll do classic toys that can double as decorations, like Madame Alexander baby dolls for girls or little wooden trains/animals for boys. Have fun!
I KNOW! Love the anniversary episode. Preach on, sister, about the monogramming. Anything with a surface is fair game. Good idea on the classic toys, too.
This is totally boring but the best things we got were practical items – diapers, wipes, balmex – the kind of stuff that is actually pretty pricey when you have to buy it over and over again. We got way too many baby blankets and stuffed animals – enough to insulate the walls.
Balmex! Fantastic idea. Someone said a wipe warmer was the way to go. I would imagine they'll all be swamped in onesies, blankies and bunnies.
Diapers! Whether they be cloth or disposable – they are ALWAYS necessary!
I agree with the bigger clothes – I'd even suggest going as big as 12 months or even 24 months – the sizes are never 100% accurate and I know that I wish I would have received way more bigger clothes. My son has clothes packed away that still have tags, because he didn't get a chance to wear them.
NO BLANKETS! The expectant Mom will get a gazillion.
Walmart or Target gift cards so they can be used for whatever the Mom needs to pick up – formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, baby food (later), bra shields (for the breastfeeding Mom – yay!) etc.
Have fun!!
@ Cathy, too funny and very true.
i don't have any good physical gift ideas because (thank goodness) none of my friends are pregnant. i do love all the cute baby things on etsy and the like. my suggestion is to browse, which is a lame suggestion =).
something fun to share with the new mommies is this website: http://www.vitaljuice.com/moms
i get the general version sent to me everyday, and it provides a fun little daily blip of info. sometimes useful, sometimes not, but a pleasant addition to my morning inbox =).
i'm looking fwd to seeing your tomato tart this week. mine is seriously modified due to dietary constraints.
I can't help you in the baby gift department, but I could totally help you eat this brownie pudding. It looks fabulous!
Come on over! And bring some clean spoons.
The pudding looks amazing…Ina is the only person who can actually inspire me to bake. For gifts, the librarian in me has to recommend books; I'll often give a "starter library" with a few classics every kid should have. If you do get clothes, I'd recommend getting the higher sizes (9-12 months or even bigger) – everyone always gets the small sizes and once the kid hits 1 year old, they have no clothes! A Boppy is a beautiful thing, and it's helpful to have a couple for various rooms in the house. And I can't even tell you what an awesome gift diapers are. Those muthas are EXPENSIVE! That has become my gift of choice. Having a child of my own and having gone through that…sheesh. You might as well wipe those kids' bottoms with dollar bills.
Really, diapers? They're THAT expensive? A lot of people have recommended books, and I don't think I've ever seen them given at a shower. These are all great ideas.
Really, diapers? They're THAT expensive? A lot of people have recommended books, and I don't think I've ever seen them given at a shower. These are all great ideas.
I was pregnant over Christmas, and one of my favourite gifts was a personalized ornament from my mother that she got from this website: http://www.calliopedesigns.com/expecting-a-baby-527.html — I know it’s not really seasonal now, but I do think they’re an adorable idea.
For myself, I needed baby blankets. Someone also got me a photo gift card which I thought was a great idea, but I saw that suggested already. You could make a gift basket for the MOM instead of for the baby — when my mom came out the first time to see the baby, she brought all sorts of stuff to make my post-partum life a little smoother like a sitz bath, Tucks pads, a bag of my favourite snack mix, nursing pads, a few nursing bras, etc, and I REALLY appreciated all those things.
If you want to buy something for the baby, go for clothing that buttons or zips down the front or back since it is SO much easier to work with. My daughter has some adorable onesies that are so damned frustrating to put on because I have to put them on over her head, regardless of what kind of mood she is in. I also really love her sleeping sack gown type things because when she needs to be changed, it’s very simple :]
Oh, a gift basket for the mom is an awesome idea! You have a very smart mother. And the ornaments would be really sweet. We got ornaments at a bridal shower, and I love them.
I saw Ina make this on TV, I really want to try it. I love brownies! Looks great!
I say a money tree for momma's makeover after this kid pops. You know, breast lift, tummy tuck, lipo. NOW THAT'S A GIFT.
Plastic surgery? Talk to your huzzzband.
Gift cards–always smart. Clothes up to 24 months? That's a good idea. And I'm sure I'll be putting together a diaper cake in the near future.
I had twins in January, and the thing I REALLY want is for someone to come clean my house! Get together with a couple of the other shower attendees, and give a gift certificate to Merry Maids. Instruct the mother-to-be not to use it until she has the baby – no cheating and using it while still pregnant! She'll need it the most once baby arrives. Believe me, your gift will be the most appreciated out of all of them.
My other suggestion: if you give clothing (although I wouldn't), at least give clothing appropriate to the season. For example, 12-month sleepers should fit what the weather will be like in 12 months. You'd be surprised at how many people don't take that into account.
Thanks for the link! I see a diaper cake in my future.
Love that anniversary episode. You've got to try this pudding!
I strongly encourage bigger clothes, particularly over 12 months size. We got way more baby clothes than 10 children could possible wear, let alone one, but by 12 months had very little. One word of caution. Think seasonally! I can't tell you how many people got us bigger sizes (6-12 month) but bought winter clothes because that when the baby was born. It was summer by the time he was that size and we couldn't use any of it.
I have 2 "favorites" that I give as Baby Shower gifts, and both can be customized to be as expensive or inexpensive as your budget allows.
The first is "Baby's First library"… go pick up some of the classics board books ("Goodnight Moon", "Pat The Bunny", "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do You See"). I've also included a few of the classic children's books that we all remember (The Giving Tree, Velveteen Rabbit). The first few times I did this, I was really surprised at the response by the parents — who kept telling me for months and months how often they would go to these books. Also, a subscription to BabyBug and/or Animal Babies (both published by Highlights Magazine) is really wonderful.
The second "favorite" is a baby's first-aid kit. Thermometer, baby tylenol/motrin, bandaids, Boo-Boo bunny, teething rings, powder, diaper rash ointment, cotton swabs, etc. Go crazy in the first aid aisle!
GGood luck, and have fun!
OK, I'm adding the most important book – Jim Trelease's Readaloud Handbook – get ALL the mommies-to-be a copy! Then they can go to the LIBRARY to check them out, and decide which ones they want to read ad infinitum (some think ad nauseum, but can you say that on a food blog??). Here's the link to the latest (6th) ed.: http://www.amazon.com/Read-Aloud-Handbook-Sixth-J…
OK, I'm adding the most important book – Jim Trelease's Readaloud Handbook – get ALL the mommies-to-be a copy! Then they can go to the LIBRARY to check them out, and decide which ones they want to read ad infinitum (some think ad nauseum, but can you say that on a food blog??). Here's the link to the latest (6th) ed.: http://www.amazon.com/Read-Aloud-Handbook-Sixth-J…
I like to make diaper 'cakes' for friends. We received one at our shower too and it was great. Tons of very practical diapers, but you can also decorate with fun ribbon and useful things like a rubber ducky, pacifier, ect….. You can buy them online too, but it's more personal to make your own :) Here's a link to a video on how to make one!
My standard gift for a baby shower… big package of disposable diapers and an outfit, size 2. It's amazing how fast a tiny baby grows into a 2 year old outfit!
Oh no, please don't post pics like that, I'll just ending up making it and eating it all and getting fatter ;) But it sure does look lovely!
Ha! That IS low-fat/low-sugar ice cream on top. I'm feeling your pain. ;)
Nursing covers!!! They are a lightweight blanket of sorts with a strap that goes around mom's neck… made to be tossed on when its time to nurse your baby and you're out in public! They cover up you and baby perfectly, the strap keeps it from falling off, and they come in so many cute patterns! I found one on etsy and the mom I gave one to LOVES it! You can search around but here is one seller I found: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?ref=sr_list_…
Ohhhh, great idea! I love Etsy. Thanks for the link!
My best baby gifts: prenatal massage, pedicure, several days of meals cooked FOR me after I had the baby, Baby Einstein movies (both my kids LOVE these), diapers and first aid supplies (medicines, diaper rash ointment, ear thermometer–rather than rectal!), and baby books.
I love to give books (usually board books) to the new mom. You never seem to have enough since they end up in the car, crib, bathroom, etc. My favorites include anything by Sandra Boynton but especially "The Going to Bed Book", Audrey Woods "The Napping House", "Good night Moon", the Carl dog books by Alexandra Day, anything by Kevin Henkes, and of course, Dr. Seuss. I also usually take a meal to the new parents and always include a coffeecake and dessert. It is sooooo nice to have something prepared to munch on that was home cooked.
Ah, thanks for the book titles! I'm so out of touch with the 2-and-younger crowd. ;) Also, great idea about the home-cooked meal. Who wouldn't love that?
the pudding made me hungry :) as for the gift, my suggestion is diapers or books.
The best thing that happened at my shower was a diaper raffle. There was a nice prize (about $50 worth) and everyone that brought a package of diapers to the shower got a raffle ticket for the prize. It was completely optional, just for people that wanted to participate, separate from gifts. Some of my family brought the big huge packages from Costco/Sam's and they got extra tickets, etc. At the end of the shower, they drew a ticket number and someone won the prize. I got about 20 packages of diapers, ranging from newborn to 5's, and lemme tell ya that was AWESOME. It was nice to have a lot of different sizes too, because when baby grows out of one size and you can't fit that diaper on him anymore, you don't always have the next size up at home. I had a ton of sizes, it was great!
Decadent! And it sounds easy too. What's not to love about chocolate!
I browsed some of the other comments and agree, DO NOT buy blankets! Washclothes are a different story. I didn't get many but you use them every day and then have to wash so much… Bath toys can be cute too. Many moms don't get that and my kids sat early so by 4 or 5 months bath toys were needed. My kids loved their baby "play yard" or whatever the brand calls it… a thing on the ground with things hanging over them to play with before they can sit. Impractical is fun too. I found adorable silver train piggy banks at a really good price for a couple friends. And for me … I would not have survived the first year without the Baby Einstein videos!!!! It was the ONLY way I could shower, make a call etc….
Hope that helps.
Baby Einstein! Good idea. These are all good ideas and things I DEFINITELY wouldn't have thought of. I'm starting to feel much better about this whole shopping thing.
My favorite baby gift is books….I have two sons and people gave me their favorite books from childhood..it is really cool several years later to flip through Lyle Lyle Crocodile or Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and remember who gave it to us years before….I love the brownie pudding too. My sister and several friends are pregnant too..must be something in the air/water!
I am definitely a fan of the pudding, it didn't last long around here!
For baby gifts, everyone is different. I personally LOVED my boppy pillow, but my girlfriend who I gave it to returned hers because it just wasn't working for her. Really, a hot meal would have been fabulous. Share your talents!
I also love making diaper cakes…it is now what I give every time. I take some small diapers, roll them up, add ribbon, rattles, onesies, stuffed animals, etc. It's a huge hit!
Diapers ROCK and no one ever thinks of giving them.
I've got to make one of these diaper cakes. Hilarious. Brooke mentioned a diaper raffle, and I think that's brilliant. So is the idea to take them a home-cooked meal. I believe they will all be exhausted by August.
I love both ideas. Who doesn't wear their mom out asking for the same books to be read again and again? And I wouldn't have thought of the first aid kit. When you need that stuff, you NEED it. Thanks!
I've never heard of this one. It's that good? I'll have to track it down. Thanks!
Oh, we can't have a bunch of naked toddlers. Good point. And when they're 6 months old, the weather will be… like it is RIGHT NOW. Maybe I can find some things on clearance!
Really, a 2-year-old outfit? Makes sense. They don't stay in onesies forever.
These are all great ideas. Things for the moms AND the babies. I've got to look up this prenatal massage…
Thanks! The pudding is so freaking good. Wish I still had some, but it would be dangerous.
Definitely planets aligning or something. Books might be the way to go.
I've never heard of a diaper raffle! What an awesome idea. Everyone says diapers are ridiculously expensive.
I am always nervous about what to give new moms because you never know what their whole parenting philosophy is. Some moms do the totally natural thing, all cloth diapers and homemade soap and baby food, and other moms are happy with the opposite.
Since you are quite the chef, I would make a ton of delicious things that they can freeze and eat later (world peace cookies can be a dinner, I think!)
I saw a cool baby gift that I had never seen before…a shopping cart cover! You know how the baby is supposed to sit in the cart and face you? Well apparently those shopping carts are nasty, so they make these covers that fit over the front of the basket to save your kid from cart cooties. They are usually in pretty modern patterns too!
I actually saw a cart cover tonight! And you're right about the patterns. Very cool.
I can't believe you mentioned the World Peace Cookies. Jeff just asked me to make some this weekend. Are you psychic?
I'd vote for the hooded towel from Moonbeambaby.com. They're big and my son used his until is was really ragged at age 7! The other best gift I got was a house keeper for 6 months. But that's a different kind of investment altogether.
I usually give clothes for about a year later. Eveyone gets so many newborn, etc and then have to go out and get more things later. Oh, and diapers. Usually go though at least two packaages a week when very young, and yes, they can be expensive. I saved up packages for my first one for 3 months before birtha nd they were gone in less time than took to save them
Ah! Diapers! They must evaporate. I've definitely got to remember to give diapers with whatever else I pick. And buying older clothes is a GREAT idea.
I don't even want to think about baby stuff! My three are well out of diapers and almost to the age that they don't need a sitter, YAY! With that said there are SO many cool baby stuff now! Good luck!
The pudding cake looks good and sounds even better with the suggested two scoops of vanilla ice cream!
EVERYTHING'S better with two scoops of ice cream. Or bourbon. ;)
That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to try it out. (That picture pretty much looks good enough to eat.) And 6 pregnant friends must be exciting! As for baby gifts, I work at Mom Central (momcentral.com) and we do tons of products reviews for moms. Also our holiday gift guide had some great baby items (momcentral.com/gift-guide/baby-toddler/index.html) – you might be able to find something there!
Thanks! It's exciting, but I'm clueless about baby products, so I'll definitely be checking out your site. Thanks for the links!
Ohhh, a housekeeper. Nice.
The hooded towel is a great idea. These look so thick and soft. Thanks for pointing me toward this site!
Oh my god! this looks amazing. Wish I could help with the shower but it's very much outside of my realm. The pudding however is in my realm, and I am all over it. Awesome.
You made the right choice. This stuff is so dangerously good. Me want to go to there.
I'm sorry to contract the blanket comments, but if they don't have a miracle blanket (miracleblanket.com) then they don't have all the blankets they need. This blanket makes bedtime a breeze. I had two children who slept like pros from the beginning because of this gift. I will never give anything but. This is especially helpful to first time parents who don't have a clue. Excellent sounding chocolate dessert. Yum!
Yummy pudding!! My favorite gift received for my daughter's baby shower was the Boppy cradle in comfort bouncer…It was indispensable and greatly appreciated by sleepy parents! You can never have too many wash cloths, seriously! Creating a bathtime basket can be fun, towels wash cloths, cotton balls, Baby shampoo ( I love Burt's bees all over baby wash) lotion. You can get a baby bathtub quite inexpensively and put all the goodies inside! Very fun yet quite practical!
Yummy pudding!! My favorite gift received for my daughter's baby shower was the Boppy cradle in comfort bouncer…It was indispensable and greatly appreciated by sleepy parents! You can never have too many wash cloths, seriously! Creating a bathtime basket can be fun, towels wash cloths, cotton balls, Baby shampoo ( I love Burt's bees all over baby wash) lotion. You can get a baby bathtub quite inexpensively and put all the goodies inside! Very fun yet quite practical!
I loved your blog post so much I've included it in my Weekly top 15 recipe posts on twitter!By way of http://www.theinternetchef.biz
Well done, keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more of these wonderful recipes come swimming down my tweetstream.
Happy cooking,
i just had a baby and my #1 baby product is a bobby pillow for breastfeeding