My Life Matters™ Planner Winners!

Miscellaneous / Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Have you seen the list of end-of-the-year goals in the last giveaway post?

  • Planning a cheese festival.
  • Recovering from chemo.
  • Starting an internship as an equine veterinarian.
  • Co-hosting a nationally broadcast radio show.
  • Starting a business. Moving. Paying off debt.
  • Teaching yoga. Decluttering. Painting. Rock-climbing.
  • Getting married. Having babies.
  • Potty-training. Marathon-training.

You have no idea how much restraint it’s taking not to put an exclamation point by every! single! one! of those goals.

I wish I had My Life Matters™ planners for all of you, but the Magical Random Number Generator has spoken, and the winners are …

#25 Leanne Hammond: I would love to get our chicken coop moved so we can install two new raised garden beds. Then I could get our garden veggies organized, figure out what can’t be grown, and maybe do some grocery shopping more efficiently. I know it’s not a huge goal, but it’s one I’ve had for 2 years!

#30 Marissa Lay: By the end of this year, I really want to finish a story collection. I’ve been passively working at it for a few years, but my life keeps getting in the way. A more organized approach to my everyday would definitely help keep me on track!

#51 Amy Beth Hale: I want to say get my passport because I keep putting that off but that won’t make me feel like I ROCK. It will make me feel like, yeah, you should’ve done that in March. So I’m going to say clean/organize the garage! Ooh, exciting!

Congratulations, ladies!

I will alert Life that you are ALL about to grab it by the cajones. Hiyah!

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