The Delivery Guy Hates Me, But I Love You Guys.

Christmas, Miscellaneous / Friday, December 13th, 2013


A few weeks ago, I wrote about how we’d been gathering dolls all year to make a 100-doll donation to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program, in honor of my grandmother (aka Mommaw!). I wasn’t asking you guys to send dolls. I just wanted to share the joy and let you know I hadn’t been trapped under anything heavy while things were quiet here.

Clearly, I underestimated your generosity. And your Amazon skills.

Several of you found my Amazon wish list (the one just for dolls) and sent dolls straight to my house.


I wish they’d included your names and addresses, so I could thank each one of you individually, but they didn’t, so just let me say that each box was the best surprise.

Thank you.


Yesterday, the Salvation Army sent a truck to pick up all of the dolls. I was expecting a small trailer, so when this behemoth pulled up, I was pretty sure my People I’ve Disappointed list was about to get a new entry: The Entire Salvation Army.

I hoped we had enough to at least fill the truck halfway.


We started carrying the boxes downhill and stacking them in the truck.

Carrying and stacking.

Carrying and stacking.


Until the last box was in, and the truck was … FULL!

It was a miracle and a relief. No one wants to have to write an apology letter to the Salvation Army.

There were 171 dolls in all.

Hugs and high-fives to everyone who made this possible – family and friends, Maggie Mason and her Mighty Girl readers, the Go Mighty community, Raven Internet Marketing Tools (they sent SIX BOXES of dolls!), and YOU! Some of you sent dolls. Some of you donated them in your own communities. And you sent so many kind, encouraging words my way.

You made it impossible for me to fail. Thank you.

I hope the kids who get these dolls will love them to pieces.